OK here's the deal, One of the things that I found was difficult was when the countertop people installed the countertop I did not ask them to drill a larger hole to accommodate the fittings on the end of your unit. I should have measured the combined fittings dimensions before they drilled the hole.Given that I ended up disassembling part of the hose and section unit for the soap dispenser in order to pre-assemble the unit for installation. I still had to reach way up behind the new sink with an extension tool up behind the sink to make the final connection. That connection was really no big deal but if I hadn't had the experience that I do and knowing how to use the correct tool it could have leaked and been and major problem for someone who has never done this kind of thing before. I think that if your buyers knew that they should ask for a larger diameter hole in their countertops to accommodate your fittings would be beneficial. Again this is just my opinion.