TS267 - the spray disc is obstructed

TS267 - The spray disc is obstructed

To clean the Spray Disc:

  • Rotate the brush counter-clockwise as if to remove it, however, do not remove the brush but rather continue to rotate it until the Adapter unscrews from the Taper Tube and the Spray Disc can be removed..
  • If the spray disc is clogged by debris, flush it to remove the debris. If clogged by build up of lime, soak in a 1:1 mixture of water and distilled white vinegar until the lime is dissolved and the holes are clear.
  • To reassemble, insert the spray disc into adapter, the ridge on the spray disc must face away from the adapter
  • Screw the adapter with the spray disc onto the taper tube
  • Attach the brush to the adapter
  • Rotate the brush clockwise to tighten the adapter to the taper tube