M2000 Century Installation
Dishmaster M2000 Century - Installation

Things You May Need: adjustable wrench, arc-joint pliers, 1-1/2" basin wrench, 3/8" open end wrench, bucket, towels, safety goggles, flashlight and a helper to hold things in place from above while you tighten from below.
Do NOT spread inlet tubes apart until flange nuts are in place. Plug your sink drain(s) so that no small parts will go down the drain if you drop them.

Take care when routing the black hose and the detergent tube.
Do not loop them around water lines or drain pipes.
They must not be pinched or kinked and must be free to move up and down when the wand is in use.
Route the detergent tube in front of everything else so you will be able to lift the tank into the sink for refilling and back flushing.
- Align the black rubber gasket around the holes in the sink/countertop.
- With valve handle to the left, lower the faucet onto the sink/countertop and align the cover with the gasket. Make sure the faucet and gasket are sitting where you want them.
- Lower the hose guide through the empty hole on the right side of the cover.
Have a helper apply downward pressure on the faucet and hose guide to hold them in place until completion of the next three steps. Place a couple towels on the bottom of the cabinet to cushion your back. Wear safety goggles.
- Slip one of the flange nuts over the inlet tube fittings and screw it onto the valve body. Hand tighten only.
- Screw the second flange nut onto the hose guide. Hand tighten only.
- Make final adjustments to the position of the faucet and gasket as necessary to make sure they are sitting where you want them. Tighten both flange nuts.
- Put the end of one of the supply lines in a bucket. Open the water shut-off valve and allow water to flow until sediment and particles no longer come out.
- Repeat for the other supply line.
- Slightly spread the inlet tubes apart just enough that there is clearance to attach a supply line to the shorter of the two inlet tubes.
Important for the next two steps: the inlet tube fittings are 1/2" straight pipe. They are NOT tapered pipe threads. The water tight seal is made by the gasket on the supply line. Do NOT over-tighten the water supply line fittings.
- Attach the cold water supply line to the short inlet tube on the right. Tighten only enough to seat the gasket in the supply line.
- Attach the hot water supply line to the long inlet tube on the left. Tighten only enough to seat the gasket in the supply line.
- From above the faucet, lower the end of the hose assembly through the hose guide until the wand handle is seated in the hose guide. Rotate the handle to your preferred position.
- Locate the bent copper detergent tube with clear plastic detergent tube attached. Insert the bent copper detergent tube into the the smaller section of the detergent hose. Insert up to the point where the bend begins.
- Connect the fitting on the end of the hose assembly to the fitting located bottom center on the faucet. Tighten securely. Caution: the black hose must be free to move. Do NOT loop the hose around water supply lines or drain pipes.
- See additional instructions included with the detergent tank. Place the detergent tank assembly in a convenient location under the sink. Press the free end (with spring) of the clear plastic tube over the rigid tube of the detergent tank. assembly 3/4" minimum overlap. Avoid crimping or placing objects on the clear plastic tube as doing so will prevent the flow of detergent.
- Unscrew the aerator from the end of the spout. Be certain to remove the black seal along with the aerator. It will sometimes stick to the spout rather than come off with the aerator.
- Close the valve handle on your faucet by pulling it all the way forward.
- Gently open the cold water supply shut-off valve. Examine the supply line and fitting to make sure there are no leaks. If there is a leak, tighten the fitting just enough to stop the leak.
- Repeat for the hot water side.
- Slowly open the faucet valve. It is not unusual for air or air/water mixed to come out until the water lines fully refill with water. Allow the water to run, both hot and cold, until the air is out of the lines and all sediment and particles have been flushed.
- Close the faucet valve.
- Check once again for leaks.
- Re-attach the aerator assembly.
Your new Dishmaster is ready for use. Your faucet has been tested at the factory to ensure that it works properly. However, due to differing water pressure or other conditions in your home, your faucet could possibly drip at the spout. If so, please refer to "Valve" in the Maintenance section of the Manual.